"If all of us had more opportunities to connect and work together, online and face-to-face, in neighborhoods, villages, schools, and workplaces, the world would be a different place."

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Welcome Friends!

Thanks for your interest in helping out! Membership doesn't take much- whether reading up, commenting or taking action, simply participating in the movement is a great first step.

Tell everyone a bit about yourself and why you want to get more involved in what Idealist and many others are trying to do by clicking 'comments' below and leaving a message.


angel running said...

I'm a first year student in the Master's of Social work and Master's of Art in Women's Studies program at Loyola University Chicago. I am eager to get involved in the non-profit/activist community in the Chicago area. I'm interested in issues regarding gender and sexuality as well as social justice, non-profit fundraising and public policy. I can't wait for the 2008 presidential election to get underway and would love to learn as much as I can in order to take an active part in local campaigning for the Democratic candidate.

Anonymous said...

24 years old, work at a small financial consulting firm, but am not very "business-minded". I volunteer for the YWCA, Christopher House, and Maryville Parenting Teen Academy. I used to be involved in Michigan politics and wouldn't mind getting involved in campaigns again as well.

Goodkidhello said...

Yo all...thanks for a great meeting down at the Southwest Youth Collaborative, quite an inspiring and incredible community center. Meeting people like you all make the daily grind that much easier to trudge through. Keep in touch, keep moving forward, and keep being who we all are. Keep on...