There will be a start-up meeting March 24, 4-6pm at Depaul University's Loop Campus.
Chicago is a hotbed of compassionate citizens, groundbreaking social service work and community resources. Thanks to Idealist.org, otherwise unconnected individuals can come together to discuss our next step within this growing network, and meet some interesting people in the process.
Some of you were at earlier Chicago start-ups. For this meeting we'll be on Depaul's campus in the midst of the Idealist.org Campus Conference. I hear we may have some special guests from the conference stop in on our meeting!
NOTE: The meeting will NOT be March 18 as it says on our Idealist.org posting, but will take place March 24, 4-6pm. Please disregard any automated emails that remind you about the March 18 date! (the website wouldn't let us post for March 24, but it's all been cleared through Idealist.org for March 24, which IS when we're having it!)
This meeting is for:
Anyone interested in imagining a better world and a better Chicago.
Anyone interested in meeting interesting people and throwing around ideas.
Anyone looking to get the word out on projects they'd like to push.
Anyone involved w/ nonprofit organizations or considering volunteer work/careers with them.
(to register for the meeting, go here: http://www.idealist.org/en/event/97889-63)
So if we go to the Idealist website to register, should we register for the 18th even though the date is the 24th? Or do we need to register at all?
You'll have to register for the date that is listed there (April 12th it now is), although the meeting will be the 24th.
If you're on the meeting page ( http://www.idealist.org/en/event/97889-63)
and register there at the bottom with the form, you'll be all set.
Sorry for the confusion!
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